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DC Council

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20004, US




Student Loan Repayment Assistance Program

Application deadline is September 6, 2024

Beginning October 1, 2024, the SLRAP is available to Council employees who meet the following criteria:

1. Must have completed and received an undergraduate or graduate degree from a nationally accredited college or university;

2. Must have at least one year of consecutive full-time service with the Council by October 1, 2024; employees serving under a time-limited appointment or in a part-time status are ineligible for participation in the program;

3. Must maintain employment with the Council during the entire fiscal year to receive the bi-weekly payments; separation from the Council will terminate participation in the program and the receipt of the program payments;

4. Employees with federal and private loans are eligible provided that the private loan must be in the employee’s name and is/was for the educational attainment of the employee (Parent loans and loans for dependents are ineligible);

5. Must be in good repayment standing. Must provide proof of previous 12 consecutive months payment history including the required repayment amount.

Recent graduates currently in a grace period with payments beginning on or after October 1, 2024, must provide lender documentation of expected monthly repayment amount. SLRAP benefits will commence at the expiration of the grace period;

6. Must provide all information requested in the application form;

7. Must provide quarterly proof of payment records; and 

8. This benefit will be included as income and may impact an employee’s taxes.

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Sep 06

When: 12:15 AM - 5:30 PM

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Full Name

Length of Council Service:

Total dollar amount owed and monthly payment amount (combined federal and private student loans):

Proof of previous 12 month payment history has been provided. See program information above for more information.

You may upload transcripts or loan statements here.

Click Here to Upload

Employee Certifications:

I understand that any violations of the program rules will result in immediate revocation of the benefit and prevent future participation in the program.

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For Human Resources Use Only:

Employee Status

For Council Secretary Use Only:

By signing below, I certify that I have reviewed this application for the Student Loan Repayment Assistance Program and the employee meets all eligibility requirements and has provided the requested proof of graduation from an accredited university or college and proof of current loan repayment history.